Friday, 2 January 2015

2015... The start of something good?

As a child some of my favourite books were in diary form. From Anne Frank to Go ask Alice, books written as a diary entry had my heart. Countless journals were bought and started but a lack of will power, follow through and just not a hell of a lot to say meant these ended pretty quickly. As an adult I have toyed with the idea of a blog for a long time and have gotten over the fact that I may be boring and not very interesting and have decided to write for me. I figure when I am old(er) I may want to look back and remember what I did in 2015, what I achieved and how I felt. And so starts my Diary...

2015 started with a bang in the company of good friends, food and wine looking out our spectacular view.

Not one for sticking to resolutions, the best I could come up with is that I am going to eat more vegetables. Five nights a week is reasonable, best to start small and achievable. Plans are a different story, those I have in the hundreds but the biggest of all is that of expanding my musical involvement. I started teaching in 2014 but now is the time to go bigger and better. I have a newly arrived piano ready to go and a total of 7 students lined up (on top of normal shoe selling work) and the ability to start advertising. That is grand plan One! Grand plan Two involves the smooth success of being Musical Director for the Addams Family at Nelson Musical Theatre and get asked to do the role again as many times as I can.

I have plans for work (sell, lead, inspire) for home (cook more, whinge less, clean more) for me (be kinder, judge less, do new things, document what you can) for my friends (stay in touch better, host more dinners, choose better wine) and for my family (be present, talk more).

This is jumbled and mad but at least it is a start. Let the documenting of 2015 begin.

Michaela x