Thursday, 5 January 2017

Lunchtime Ramblings

I wanted to be a child, up to my knees in the cold water,
dappled sun on my skin searching for the smoothest, prettiest rock.
A prize to hold onto, that would be forgotten once at home.

I wanted to skip from rock to rock,
each surface peeping above the chatter of the water,
sun drenched and warm to touch.

I wanted to lie in the most still, deep pool,
floating with the pull of the soft undercurrent, becoming one with the water,
a sprite or its goddess.

I wanted to explore the riverbank, looking
for fairies or nymphs always playfully out of sight.

I wanted to leave them offerings of sweet things to coax them from their hidey holes.

I wanted to laugh, throw my head back and be free in my joy.

I wanted.

Michaela Sheehan
January 2017

Note: I don't claim to be a writer. This was a lunchtime ramble in the sun, watching the river from a shady spot. I remembered how much I loved the magic of places like that as a child, and how much I still do.
I stopped.
My journal was at hand.
I wrote.

Michaela x
The spot that I sat and wrote at!

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